Innovative Spirit for New Products
With a strong spirit of innovation, we work on the development of new products, processes and services. We support our partners in realizing their business visions. We are open to new project ideas from all over the world in order to be successful together in the market. Below you will find a selection of our current projects.
Rapid and economical POC tests for determination of immune status and bacterial resistance factors
The aim of the project is to develop a laboratory-independent diagnostic system for the rapid and cost-effective determination of vaccination status and bacterial resistance factors. This involves the development of multiparameter tests, where a large number of measurement results can be determined in parallel with a single sample in a single test. This multiparameter analysis will be used for two diagnostic applications: the detection of vaccination status and the detection of beta-lactamases.

Project Partner:
- -4H-JENA engineering GmbH
- Senova Gesellschaft für Biowissenschaft und Technik mbH
- Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
Project Code: 13GW0458A
Development of a multiparameter test for the diagnosis of food intolerances based on the detection of specific IgE or IgG4
The aim of the project is to develop a multiparameter test for the diagnosis of food intolerances based on the detection of specific IgE or IgG4 antibodies from the blood of patients. Up to 300 panel-dependent food extracts are applied to the solid phase in microarray format using M2 spotting technology. Specific antibodies in the sample bind to the applied antigens during incubation and are visualized using an enzyme-enhanced detection reaction. The resulting spot intensities correlate with the concentration of bound antibodies.
INTER-ARRAY and M24You/M2 are partners in the project for the use of high quality dispensing equipment for the production of unique microarray kits. The dispensing devices allow different volume ranges from picoliters (pL) to microliters (µL) at a highly precise coefficient of variation <= 2% and can be used up to fully automated production lines. M2 Automation GmbH implements in the devices all necessary conditions for biomolecules to bind optimally to a target surface. Together with a team of application specialists and INTER-ARRAY, M2 designs, develops and manufactures specific dispensing solutions for unique applications under the motto „Spot your future“.

Project Partner:
Toll-like receptor assay – a new technology platform for next generation immunoassays
Rapid detection of microorganisms and their components or residues is essential for the protection of human health. In contrast to standard test systems for microorganisms, the test to be developed within the scope of the project is based on the use of receptors of the human innate immune system, the so-called Toll-like receptors. The focus is on membrane-based Toll-like receptors assays and will be implemented using the example of a rapid detection of Legionella in drinking water in the form of both a strip test and a flow-through test.

Project Partner:
- Senova Gesellschaft für Biowissenschaft und Technik mbH
- Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB
Project Code: 031B0818C
Development of a cell-free automated quantitative multiparameter assay for the fully comprehensive detection and differentiation of autoimmune encephalopathies
In this project, an automatable and quantitative multiparameter test based on cell-free produced and immobilized proteins on a microarray will be established for the detection of autoimmune encephalopathies. With the test to be developed here, several autoantibodies are to be determined qualitatively and quantitatively simultaneously for the first time in order to ensure a differentiated diagnosis, individualized therapy adjustment and follow-up in patients with autoimmune neuronal diseases.

Project Partner:
- GA Generic Assays GmbH
- German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology, Branch Bioanalytics and Bioprocesses IZI-BB
Project Code: 13GW0408B
Development of innovative immunological laboratory and point-of-care assays for the detection of modified penicillin binding proteins in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus
More and more people around the world are dying from antibiotic-resistant bacteria. MRSA are difficult to treat because the most commonly used group of antibiotics is no longer effective against them. This is due to the gene products of mecA and mecC. The aim of the project is to develop new MRSA rapid and confirmatory tests. In contrast to existing tests, these should not only detect mecA-PBP2a, but also the product of the newly discovered mecC gene, and allow simultaneous detection of other resistance or virulence factors.

Project Partner:
- GA Generic Assays GmbH
- Senova Gesellschaft für Biowissenschaft und Technik mbH
- Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
Project Code: 13GW0422D
Development of a universal multiplex microarray platform for enzyme immunological diagnostics using vector-borne veterinary infections as an example
The development of a novel universal multiplex microarray format on standard microtiter plates for serological antigen and antibody diagnostics, which allows parallel detection of different infectious diseases, enables cost-effective analytics for vector-borne veterinary infections. With the microarray, comprehensive diagnostic information can be provided both faster and with less sample fluid. For the project partner Laboklin, this is a significant simplification of laboratory processes.

Multiplexed detection system for virus detection based on graphene field effect transistors
In the project, a new electronic platform is being developed to open up graphene sensors researched at the University of Jena for new point-of-care devices. In the future, these small and mobile devices should be as easy to use as COVID19 rapid tests on site and detect viruses, viral proteins or antibodies with high sensitivity – comparable to PCR tests. The project thus aims to lay the foundation for many more precise, sensitive and specific applications in the field of on-site diagnostics.

Project Partner:
- IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme
- Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Jena
Project Code: 21363 BR
Safe Transplant Analytics
Development of a universally applicable detection system for the diagnosis of donor-specific HLA antibodies based on filter membranes
Using HLA analysis as an example, a universal tool for the development of new multiparameter assays based on filter arrays in microtiter plate format was established. This enables the enrichment of analytes by processing the sample in flow-through format using a transparent membrane. The universal array consists of spots of hapten antibodies, which allow the construction of the patient-specific assay. A panel of different haptens for conjugation and corresponding hapten antibodies is available for the individuality of the test system.